She is absolutely clueless.
Who is the bill really for?
2008-09-30: Eshoo explains vote for bailout bill
Calling it "as tough a vote I have ever taken in Congress," Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Palo Alto, said she voted for the financial recovery bill Monday in Washington "because of the many critical issues plaguing the U.S. financial system."
The vote for the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act failed on a 205-228 vote. Most of the Bay Area Democratic Congressional delegation, with Eshoo and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, voted for the bill, which came up 12 votes short of passage. Local representatives voting against the bill were Barbara Lee (Berkeley/Oakland), Pete Stark (East Bay) and Lynn Woolsey (Marin County).
Failure of the House to approve the emergency legislation, after intense negotiations and lobbying over the last week, helped cause the stock market to plunge, with the Dow Jones average plummeting almost 778 points, the greatest one-day point loss in its history (although not the greatest drop percentage-wise).
"This financial crisis is proof-positive of the failed economic policies of the Bush administration which has engaged in 'cowboy capitalism' for too long," Eshoo said. "Wall Street has been allowed to run free with little oversight or regulation to protect the American taxpayer.
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